Global Equities RDT-DBI – Annual Report 2019

Download our Global Equities RDT-DBI 2019 Annual Report. Global Equities RDT-DBI is a sub-fund of Eurinvest UCITS, a SICAV RDT-DBI 


The Annual Report is the cornerstone of investor and regulatory reporting. It is a yearly report of the fund’s financial condition. It includes a list of holdings, financial statements and other key portfolio information. Moreove it can help you determine how well a fund has met its goals and investment strategies during the period covered in the report. 
  • Financial Statements & Audited Accounts
  • Management’s Reporting & Comments
  • Sub-funds Audited Performances
  • Sub-funds Statistics
  • Sub-funds Expenses & Fees
  • Adittional Notes to Financial Statements