Valuation matters – 29/03/21

Valuation matters – 29/03/21

Webinar Valuation considerations in times of rising interest rate  29th March 2021 Book a seat Programme 12h15 Intro 12h30 Presentation 13h00 Q&A Place & Date 29th March 2021 Video Conference (link send by email) About this webinar Jean-Marc Michelet,...
Global Equities RDT-DBI Monthly Report May 2020

Flexible Defensive Monthly Report January 2020

Flexible Defensive Monthly Report – January 2020 Download Flexible Defensive Monthly Report. Flexible Defensive is a sub-fund of Eurinvest SICAV SIF Download the document About The Factsheet provides information about the Fund’s end-of-month Portfolio. It...
Cryptocurrencies success – 14/01/21

Cryptocurrencies success – 14/01/21

Webinar Jan Longeval’s analysis of cryptocurrencies success 14 January 2021 Book a seat Programme 12h Intro 12h15 Presentation 13h15 Q&A Place & Date 14 January 2021 Video Conference (link will be send by email) About this Webinar Jan LONGEVAL, founder...